Numbers and days ,Thoughts can relate around numbers.Days are numbers that have titles."I don't like Mondays'"," Ruby Tuesday","Wednesday Morning","Thursday's Child","Friday on my mind","Saturday night fever" and "Sunday Bloody Sunday". Mind association, mass media and tradition all cement the routine outcomes of the day.Groundhog day is a day i am including in life's calender.The numbers game is here for all to see.Birthdays , Death days, Anniversaries and Salaries. Number one in the music charts expresses success to the individual or group that created.The lowest number represents success in the ladder of recognition.Numbers do discriminate, compare,judge and rate the human performance on a scale that measures success.Billionaires become more powerful with all the extra zero's applied to their wealth.The poor forever trapped within their means by having zero as a point of reference. Money.Whole lives's depend on it to move through moments of the day.Live ,breathe ,enjoy, love and work towards a new system of equality. How many more days and how many numbers will it take to create this ? 2012 .Countdown.
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