Backgammon was the word we used as a reminder to stay in the present moment on our trip from Lovina to Ubud.I can't remember why we chose this word but it seems very apt ,especially since the game of backgammon is really based of being in the moment.It is my favourite game.You can win in almost impossible situations, and lose a game that looks very winnable to you.Its really a race to see who can take all their checkers off first, with many twists and turns in between.three different ways to lose,you can get backgammoned,which is 3points to your opponent , gammonned which is 2 points or you can just lose a close encounter which is 1 point.Paul and I play the best of 21 championship points.We also choose not to use the cube.Becoming a better player is really what it is all about,and how you go about well that's is up to you.It's always a fine balance between a race and a back game.By counting your pips,you will soon realize whether you are behind or in front,and from that method you will decide what kind of game to play.Sometimes it is really in your favor to be hit...especially if you are behind and want to play the back game.Everyone has a different style of play and if your a big risk taker ,this will come out in your game.Skill versus luck,in the long run the most skillful player will always win.Like in life .it's how you play the dice ,many moves ,many combinations.
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